This Week

Monday and Tuesday will be the an introduction to President Kennedy.  We’re going to refer to his inagural address (Covered in the blog posting Feb 6.) and try to come up with an answer to what he said.  “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!”  What does that mean?  How do you personally answer that implied question? 

Are they just words?

Does it ask something profound from us as citizens?

Is it defined the same way for everybody?

Personally, I think it’s up to each person to answer that question for themselves.  I hope we can get to a place on Day 1 and Day 2 where we can begin to define it.

Day 1 and Day 2 Wednesday & Thursday will be an opportunity for us to have a Guest Speaker!  This guest speaker spent 1 and a half years in Papua/New Guinea as a Peace Corps volunteer developing a school program in that impoverished nation.  He’ll speak to us about what it was that led him to the Peace Corps, and what he learned about himself, and how he defined Kennedy’s call to action.  He’ll have an interesting slide show for us, I’m certain you’ll enjoy what he has to say.  Our guest speaker is none other Mr. Joshua Alper!

Actually, I’m really looking forward to having Mr. Alper talk about his experience.  I think you guys are going to get a kick out of it!

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